Mom, Start a Business!

[Coaching] How to Sell Before You Create

October 08, 2020 Cami Layne Langston Season 1 Episode 5

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Episode 005: Have you ever had an idea for a business but thought to yourself, "this would just take to much time and effort to create and I don’t even know if anyone would buy it?"

That is what I thought when I was first starting in this whole online marketing world. I thought that if you had an idea for a digital product like a course or membership, you needed to create the whole thing first. 

Then I learned about the concept of pre-selling or beta launching. You see, the best way to see if people will actually pay you for something is to see if people will actually pay you for it! You can put your idea out there (letting them know that it's not created yet) and if enough people buy it then you can move forward in creating it.

In this episode, I’m chatting with my Purpose to Profit Society member Amelia about her idea for a sewing course and membership. She has been doing sewing as a service but is wanting to move into the digital product space so she can spend less time sewing and more time with her family. In our chat we are trying to work through the best way for her to get started and get her idea out there. 

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Thinking that it would be nice to have someone to bounce ideas off of, get feed back, and help you focus on the right next steps for you and your business? DM me on Instagram the word “coaching” and we can chat to see if I can help!

💌Connect with me on Instagram @momstartabusiness

Not sure what you could create to make passive income? Get the Create Your Niche Workbook to help you come up with your next great business idea!